Tenax Solutions partners with Managed Service Providers to provide their clients with 3rd party security solutions giving the MSP full access to any service we offer.
Why Partner?
As a Managed Service Provider, you are forced to keep up with not only the IT needs of your clients, but the complex security needs as well. Oftentimes this can leave you burdened with headaches wondering if your clients data is secure, and if they are really meeting compliance requirements. Tenax Solutions MSP partnerships give MSP’s access to a full suite of security services, as well as an on demand security and compliance team.
In the 1990’s, companies could install antivirus, a spam filter, run some vulnerability assessments, and call it good. Unfortunately in 2021, that is not the case. Hackers are finding ways each and every day to bypass basic security controls forcing small - midsize businesses to invest in proactive security solutions like penetration testing. At Tenax Solutions, we believe every MSP should be offering these services to their clients.
Stop basic security
Benefits to partnering?
What we can provide your organization