Cybersecurity Growing This Decade
For the next decade, we expect radical changes in the cybersecurity landscape, which will be powered by new and emergent technology. The anticipated diversity of cybersecurity will require new architectures and corporations as the world stands at the brink of a new era of sophisticated cybercrime.
In the coming decade, hackers will become more sophisticated, using new tools and methods to access confidential information and data. Developments in technology will create more attack surfaces, which will be more vulnerable, for hackers. Attacks will increase as even less skilled hackers will take advantage of automation in their efforts to infiltrate the more vulnerable organizations and enterprises. Hackers will take advantage of the fact that most enterprises largely depend on their supply chains to breach as many targets as possible.
The cyber defense will equally develop, as companies will employ innovative approaches to counter attacks. Strategies will be more effective and AI will play a central role in shaping security solutions. For instance, organizations will test the cybersecurity from the hackers’ point of view. Organizations will aim at exponentially improving their internal resilience as well as across the supply chain.

Web Application Security Flaws
Cyber-attacks launched against web applications range from the targeted database to the disruption of large scale networks.

Why Businesses Should Invest
Life without the internet in this 21st century is unimaginable. Social media is everywhere and almost every person owns a phone and a computer or has access to the internet.